Friday, May 24, 2013

Mesquite Amateur 2013: There and Back Again

It's been a year since I started this blog, which began as a way for me to preserve my own thoughts on attending the 2012 Mesquite Amateur golf tournament in Mesquite, Nevada .  If you'd like to refresh your memory of how last year went for me, my blog posts start on this page:   I'll be flying out to Vegas tomorrow, then driving up to Mesquite to compete in the 2013 edition of the tournament.  483 golfers are in the field this year, which is down a bit from the near 600 that participated last year.  There will be 30 golfers in my flight.  Prizes go to the top 10 in each flight. One difference this year is that my golf buddy and friend, Bryan, will be joining me!  We play in our golf league and a regular Sunday golf group together.  I'm excited about having someone to share the events with this year!  I'm playing in the Woods flight while Bryan is in the Mickelson flight.  This is so fitting because I'm a Tiger fan while he is a big Phil fan.

Tomorrow is a travel day for us as we fly out in the afternoon, arrive about 3:00pm then make the 1 hour and15 minute drive up to Mesquite.  We are playing 6 rounds of golf:  Sunday morning at Wolf Creek, Monday morning in a 140 person skins game at Falcon's Ridge, the tourney starts Tuesday at Falcon's Ridge, Wednesday we play at Oasis Canyons, then Thursday at Coyote Springs.  If either of us finish in the top 4 in our flights we'll play in the Friday Championship round at Casablanca.  Otherwise we'll play elsewhere in Mesquite or Vegas.

My game has been up and down over the last five months.  It started with a very rough putting stretch in late November through December.  I've since got that back in order but my game has been plagued by periods of poor ball striking.  Sometimes lasting for an entire round or just part of one.  Here is a look at my most recent rounds on my index.  Scores from 79 to 98 and all in between.  Just a bit inconsistent.  Hopefully the good golfer shows up.

This year the Mesquite Am is using the 12 month low index for golfer to cut down on sandbagging, so I'll be playing to an 8.4 index.  Personally I feel like this punishes the honest golfer whom keeps honest scores in his index year round.  We'll see how it works out in practice.  To me why not just watch for exceptional scores and adjust the index of those golfer retroactively to all rounds played in the tourney.  

We'll time to go wash up the clubs and finish packing.  Have started sorting and scripting this afternoon.  Here is a look at what I'll be wearing for the golf rounds.  Going to be bright as usual!  

The tourney is supposed to be placing a widget on the home page that will allow viewers to see how golfer are performing after each round, so if you'd like to follow along visit the Mesquite Am website starting Tuesday night.

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